2009 PHOTOS |
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Coaching Appointment Hayward Trophy Hague Trip (Anglo-Dutch XC) March 2009
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HMRC's Malcolm Fenton has been appointed the England Athletics National Coach Mentor for the Hammer.
Malcolm would like anyone currently coaching the Hammer to supply their contact details so that he can keep them updated with news etc. His ‘phone number is 07960165683 and he can be reached by email.
Gerry Trainer (l), Nick Hume (r) and Gaye Clarke receive the Hayward Trophy awarded to the CSAA as Best Sports Association (CSSC) 2008 at the presentation evening on 15.06.09. The presenation was made by David Bell, Permanent Secretary at the Department for Children, Schools and Families. Sprinter Sharon Trusch (HMRC) was awarded the CSSC Sportswoman of the Year trophy.
Organiser Niek Tetteroo is pictured presenting the 1st Woman and 1st Man trophies to (l) Liz Stavreski (OGC) and Jon Gilling (DEFRA) after the 2009 event.